The below video will assist you to update WIP values. Please note you will only be able to update WIP that has not been billed or partially billed.
Additional information:
If you do not find the WIP Revaluation in switches then the below script will assist you to insert it into your database via SQL. If you have access to SQL Management Studio we recommend adding this to test first. If you are hosted by Star PM please create a ticket to ask for this to be added for you.
-- Check to see if WIP Revaluation switch is in place
select * from tblpersonalsettings where [key] = 'EnableWIPRevaluation'
-- Let Robert in Star know if the switch exists
-- If the switch does not exist run the below script
insert into tblpersonalsettings (staffid,[key],Description,UIVisible,Setting,FunctionalAreaID)
values (0,'EnableWIPRevaluation','Allows WIP Revaluation Module',1,1,31)