Julie Kelly
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- Abonnements 47
Activité récente par Julie Kelly Trier par activité récente-
T&E Timers - Wndow does not pop out
It isn't easy to jump back to start and stop or set new timers up if you are working in 3rd party browser apps and/or Windows apps. It would be easier if you could interact with the Timers without...
T&E Timers
Certain fields within the timers are not editable - specifically the amount. For example the classic scenario is that you forgot and left the timer running but switched context, you need to split ...
Custom Tables
Custom tables Client would like ability to add 'Export To Excel' button on the results grid. Some users wish to export the results to Excel.
Due Dates - Process Selector - DD
Would like to have option to add an 'Export to Excel' button on this form or any custom version of this form.
Software to be adjustable for visual impaired users.
Please allow for users to adjust the Font sizes and Colour of text within the application fields. The screenshot shows an example of how 'faded' out some text appears, currently there is no way to ...
Billing - Save Filters
Clients would like the ability to save the filters within each of the tabs within the Billing module. Currently when exiting the filters are cleared and lost.
Job Budget Screen
In Star PM, Job Budget screen, on Variance Tab, stage column now include a number. This may have been added for let's say sorting purpose. Would like an option to remove the numbers from the stages.
Due Dates - Responsible or assigned invalid
Due Date - Layout not saving properly in DD main panel
Due Date - Due Date picker does not work properly